ISO9001 audit commends Connect Health Limited for innovation and continuous improvement

International quality recognition achieved with successful ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System audit

3 August 2021

Connect Health Limited has successfully maintained their ISO9001:2015 certification, for the provision of MSK, rheumatology and pain management services, after being certified initially in 2017.

During the audit, zero major nonconformities and zero minor nonconformities, six observations and 15 areas of good practice were identified – this is a great result for Connect Health Limited, following the audit which took place in July 2021.


The following notable positive findings were identified from the audit:

  • There is good evidence of how the organisation has adapted service provision and working practices to respond to the challenges of the Covid 19 outbreak, providing remote services and utilising this period to drive long term changes to benefit the needs of patients and staff.
  • Since the last assessment, Connect Health Ltd has achieved ISO 27001 certification with no observations or non-conformances raised at their assessment (read more here) which along with having Cyber Essentials is good evidence of having robust information security management practices in place.
  • A recent CQC Inspection of Connect Health Ltd gave the organisation an overall rating of Good and an Outstanding rating for well led. Numerous areas were noted on the report including “good systems to manage risk”, “staff involved treated people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.” Read more here.
  • It was clear that there is a focus on the health and wellbeing of staff with evidence shared and discussed including the provision of an Employee Assistance Programme, Wellbeing Policy, Wellness Action Plans, Stress Risk Assessments and lots of good evidence of sharing information, tips and stories to promote wellbeing via Workplace and Bee Connected Newsletter.
  • There is a comprehensive organisational strategy in place which is formally reviewed on a regular basis. The strategy is openly communicated to all employees and staff input feeds into future plans.
  • As part of the plans for diversification a new mental health service in Hertfordshire has been launched in June 2021.
  • There continues to be a clear culture of continuous improvement and innovation which was demonstrated in numerous areas throughout the assessment
  • There is good evidence of ongoing employee satisfaction as seen from the results of the recent Great Place to Work Staff Survey completed at the end of 2020. The results show that 90% of the workforce feel Connect Health Limited is a great place to work which is up 10% from the previous survey in 2018.


Christy Mallen, Head of Smartdust, Connect Health Limited added:

I’m pleased to report that Connect Health Ltd have maintained ISO9001 certification with no non-conformances raised. This is an excellent achievement and continues to demonstrate our commitment to quality and improvement, following our successful CQC Inspection and ISO27001 accreditation.


ISO9001:2015 is an internationally recognised standard, which requires a business to monitor, measure and improve performance and service delivery, with set criteria for documentation, evaluation and implementation of services.

Connect Health Limited’s Quality Management System (QMS) provides the right tools to support colleagues and enable them to provide outstanding service to our stakeholders, internally and externally.



Learn more about Connect Health Limited’s accreditations here


Further reading:

Centre for Assessment Ltd
