Oxfordshire Community MSK Service FAQs

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

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Frequently asked patient questions – Oxfordshire Community MSK Service

If you have a query about the Oxfordshire Community MSK Service, you can access our FAQs below.

Questions from new patients

You can either self-refer or be referred by your GP or healthcare professional.

There will be a dedicated telephone number when the services goes live.

You can also email Connect Health with general enquiries via the website https://www.connecthealth.co.uk/contact/.

You will be offered an appointment within 7 working days for priority referrals and 30 working days for routine referrals.

Connect Health’s intention is to meet and exceed these waiting times. However, if as expected we inherit a backlog of referrals and high numbers of vacancies from the current provider, it will take time to recover from this position and achieve the desired levels of performance. Therefore, there may be slight delays and whilst we will aim to offer appointments within the timeframes, at times it may not be possible. We are working hard to ensure we can achieve the stated waiting times as quickly as possible.

Connect Health is looking to provide a spread of accessible locations across Oxfordshire. Most of these are currently in use with the previous provider.

We review our locations frequently to ensure we have enough appointments and appropriate venues for our patients.

You will be offered the choice of face to face, telephone or video appointment, where clinically appropriate. Connect Health expects the majority of appointments to be delivered face-to-face but we are also aware that some patients would prefer telephone or video appointments at times in their treatment.

If, during your care, it is agreed that a referral to Secondary Care/Hospital is the best option for you, your clinician will discuss this with you to understand where you would like to be seen.

Our support staff will then refer you to your chosen provider for further care using the agreed processes.

Connect Health employs clinicians from a varied background ensuring you have a range of treatment options, providing a more holistic approach to your care.

All clinicians are suitably qualified and experienced MSK (musculoskeletal), pain or pelvic health clinicians from recognised professions such as Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Sport and Exercise Medicine Consultants, Sports Therapy and Osteopathy.

Feedback can be logged easily via the Connect Health contact page via the get in touch form.

A link to our complaints procedure can be found here.